Dec 12 2010
New Car?
‘Hello John, gotta new mo’a, ‘ave yer?’ To be said in a south London or Brighton accent!
Many years ago when at uni near Brighton there was a popular song by Ian Drury and The Blockheads (I think that was the name of the band) with those words, so I was reminded of them on Friday in the Photoshop session.
We had a photo of Marcus’ (Stefan’s assistant) family car and we had to put part of a photo of me, taken at the famous Schröder Garden Party, into the driving seat. I had to sit behind the window with its natural reflection. How did I do it Jan?
Actually I made a mess of the transfer three times and Stefan had to help. We are going to repeat it next week, for I was not the only one with problems.
Next Friday is the last lesson this year. Before the lesson I shall start with a nice traditional Christmas meal. I’ll take a photo for I am sure Fran and Barbara are interested to see what appears on the plate!