Jan 02 2011
January 2011 and things!
I have really enjoyed the period up to Christmas 2010 and the New Year. A nice mixture of activity and relaxation, good conversation, good food and good wine! What else could one want?
I got some nice cards, presents and telephone calls from people who mean a lot to me. Thanks to each and all of you!
As we prepare for the first working day of the year, we know that prices of many things here will rise, the S-Bahn will be even worse, and the dumb ones will talk loudly into their ‘Handy’ (Mobile Phone) about rubbish, much to the annoyance of fellow travelers. Welcome to the old-new year in Berlin 🙂
Who has a birthday this month? Peter in Canterbury will be 52 on the 5th, Daniel in Brazil will be 26 on the 9th, Hannelore hits 68 in the south of France on the 12th, Harald in Berlin will celebrate his 47th on the 21st, Peter von Longlegs will be 27 on the 24th, Paul in New Zealand will celebrate his 26th with new business partners on the 27th and Larissa in Bernau ends the month with her 48th on the 20 January.
Happy Birthday to one and all!!
I shall close this entry into the first month of a new year with a special photo. It is for all you dog owners and dog lovers out there. Here I am particularly thinking about Fran and Geoff, with Danny and Rosie, and Barbara with her Marley. Don’t you wish your dogs were as well trained as these in my photo?