Apr 17 2010
Boo to you
Boo is the ‘Kosename’ for Scarlett used by her Ma and Pa. Her Pa is nephew Andrew. Actually, I had to look up this word in an online dictionary for I had forgotten the English word 🙁
I got ‘pet name’ and ‘term of endearment’, which sound nice to me! Why am I forgetting words?
She is the ‘apple of his eye’ for Andrew and I follow family events over their Facebook account. I notice how quickly she is growing and Mudda und Vadda kindly sent me two photos of their treasure and allowed me to post to my blog. Never forget to ask permission before you post a photograph. I also do not post the full name of an underage person with a photograph.
So now we can smile as we see Boo feeding the chickens and happy in the comforting arms of her ‘Mutti’. Wonderful – I only have to see them to break out in lots of smiles!