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More Football

Since my last post, I have watched football on TV nearly every evening. I’m getting hooked on it, but then they are the WM games. Remember to put your TV on this evening for England is playing France. It starts at 7.00pm UK time and that is 8.oo pm in Germany. The French team won the last WM title so the English team are facing a hard task. Now shall I have a glass of white wine or red wine if England wins?

Nothing very special happened last week. Winter is really here with minus temperatures during the day and night. I am heating my home more and today I got a note that my electricity bill is now double what it was in Aug/Sept. Either freeze or pay – I take the latter option. I’ve decided not to send out lots of Christmas cards – problems with post etc. Instead I shall send cards to couples with babies and enclose some cash so they can buy the babies a present. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

UPDATE I’m sure you know the result of the football match by now. Yes, France 2 and England 1. Some men on the news said they played well and it was just unfortunate that the player at the end of the game failed to score a penalty. I enjoyed watching it. More please!