I’ve had a good week. It’s still cold but the sun is shining more and there have been more blue skies. I’ve also had some nice meetings. It started on Monday when I went to an AWO centre to meet a man who is offering to teach seniors how to use a smartphone. Jutta recently gave me her old one because she had bought a new one. I’m meeting him tomorrow then go to Aldi to look at the Aldi-Talk offers. Back at the AWO he will help me to install the chip and register my purchase. I went on Zoom on Tuesday evening for the online Labour Berlin AGM. Problem of getting enough members online to run the meeting.
I met Johanna on Thursday afternoon for Kaffee und Kuchen and a nice chat. On Friday Dr. Peter arrived for Kaffee und Kuchen. We had apple cake and caught up on news. Nice to see him again and he looked well. On Saturday I went online to attend a Zoom meeting. This time it was the ELTABB AGM. There are some very talented people active in this teacher’s association. I founded it with Krystie many years ago and am now the first Hon. Member!
I also got some interesting internet links from Ian, including a photograph. He lives in Singapur with his wife and they decided to go out for a meal. He was surprised to see a local restaurant offering Knödel with Hungarian Gulash and so ordered it. He said it was very tasty and shows how international Singapur is. Must try some the next time I go there!