Since my last post there has been little change to my routine. The weather is showing signs of moving
into autumn and some trees are shedding leaves. It has turned cooler and we are having more rain. The big event for me was on Sunday when I went to Martina’s birthday meal/party and listened to the adventures of the Ko-Gang who were present.
I had two zoom meetings and noticed problems with my camera on the laptop. I could not get a clear image. The picture of me was split in at least 6 sections. Thorsten will check this out when he comes next Monday. I had my first Physio treatment a few hours ago. I feel much better now and it will be repeated over the next 6 weeks.
I’ve had some interesting telephone calls from friends who I haven’t met for some months due to Corona virus. We plan to meet up soon. Just have to organise that. This week ends with Angelika’s birthday party at the family house near to Mugglesee. Looking forward to that!