Most people have a talent or skill. They may not know it. Jutta is in my Kowalke Gang and has a talent for creating things from images in her computer. She is also very skilled in the use of a laptop and smartphone. She is able to do this even though she has a hearing aid and sight problems. She needs to read everything with the help of her magnifying glass. Her husband is Gerald and he has a talent with words. He writes texts and poetry even though he has to live in a home.
I met most of my Kowalke Gang last Friday for a long lazy breakfast at Johanna’s. There, Jutta gave me this document you can see on the left plus one from Gerald who had written a poem about me. We sat and talked for a few hours. I slowly returned home and shortly after my doorbell rang. It was Daniel. We had arranged to meet.
It was nice to see him and after washing his hands he settled down to enjoy a pot of tea. As he drank we caught up on news and how he is dealing with university study during the virus close down. He asked me if I needed help in my flat or if I needed him to go shopping for food. I thanked him for his offer and said I could manage okay at the moment. Then he started to not only wash up the cups but the teapot and sink! We agreed to meet again and he insisted I call him if I needed any help.
I settled into the evening with a glass of sekt and looked at my cards. I got 13 cards and 9 telephone calls wishing me all the best. Very nice and thanks to all who sent their best wishes. As you perhaps know, that day was a special one. It was the 75th anniversary of the end of WW II. It was a public holiday in Berlin but many events were cancelled due to the virus threat. It was a day I shall always remember.