We end the month with blue skies and sunshine but it is cold – only 3°C on my balcony. Talking of the weather, I managed to take a shot of a rainbow on Tuesday evening hanging near my garden. We put the clocks back an hour last weekend so it gets dark earlier.
This afternoon I am going to the centre of Berlin to meet other AWO members for a social gathering. Just getting to know each other better over Kaffee und Kuchen. I’m going to two concerts over the weekend and my diary shows I have the usual meetings – events during November. Nothing special.
Who has a birthday in November? Daniel starts us off with his 23rd birthday on the 2nd. Jeff over in Amsterdam hits 64 on the 19th. Sarah in London will be 59 on the 22nd. Stephen S. in Berlin will be 62 on the 29th and so ends the list. Happy Birthday no matter where you are 🙂