Local people are saying that the hot weather we are now enjoying is the ‘last of the summer’. Temperatures into the mid-30s, blue skies with no clouds and forecast for it to continue into next week. Kerstin’s Oldies talked about it a lot this morning as we stretched and rolled around. Of course, they moved into the past to remember when they had young families, went to the Ost See for holidays and enjoyed the sun. Memories! This weekend is a Bank Holiday in Brexitland and the sun is also shining there.
Tomorrow I am joining my Kowalke Gang for a conducted tour around the Gedächtniskirche. This is in the centre of Berlin. It was heavily bombed and the tower was saved. Later, some rooms were cleared to make a memorial and many visitors go there each year. I have never been so accepted the offer to go there with my Gang. After that we are heading to Martina’s to celebrate her birthday.
On Sunday I shall be on a bicycle tour to the east of Berlin with Imre. We have to agree when and where and what but I expect it to be an interesting day with a very interesting person! He will be on his new bicycle. I posted about his bike being stolen a couple of months ago. Tomorrow I shall see the new one. If I have fish for lunch in a restaurant I must make sure I cover my food with one hand to stop him diving in with his fork – particularly if the fish is tasty. Have a nice weekend! The photo is of the valley at Silsden.