It is cooler today. Only 28°C on my balcony. I shall be meeting Barbara for a German session this afternoon followed by Thorsten for a tablet-smartphone lesson. The rest of the week is much like others.
I collected some more Verbal Rubbish and all from BBC Radio 4 news reports/interviews. Try these:
thanks for that explainer / to ramp up otherness / an elephant trap with little upside / we now to level up / talking about the unicorns being sold. All of these came from ‘native speakers’!
Who has a birthday in July? Laura Bolton in Yorkshire will celebrate her 22nd today with family and friends. Tomorrow I am going to Jutta’s 71st party = lots of nice things to eat and drink! My nephew’s wife Krystle in Ilkley celebrates her 34th on the 8th. Gerald in Berlin hits 78 on the 17th and shares this day with Jutta to celebrate their 18th wedding anniversary and so ends the month of birthdays. Happy Birthday to each and all!
Other things: My Acer laptop will be 8 years old this month – it runs on Windows 7 which will no longer be updated from the end of the year. Need to find a new operating system. On the 3rd, Jan and Arancha will celebrate their 4th wedding anniversary.