Since my last post we have had mixed weather over the post-Easter days. I had my usual meetings and appointments including a very lazy Sunday, which I enjoyed. Today is different from my usual Tuesdays, because in a short time I shall travel to Johanna’s for a nice meal and drink and to say goodbye to her guest, Maria. She’s leaving for Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia then finishing her travels in St. Petersburg. I envy her that tour especially going to St. P. If you ever get the chance to go there then take it immediately. Here is a photo of Maria taken over supper last Tuesday. She also has a birthday at the end of May so I have added her to the list.
Tomorrow all Germans will be celebrating the 1st May holiday in various ways. The weather forecast is generally good so that will take many people outdoors and I am sure that also means having a grill party with family and friends in the evening. I am meeting my Muggelsee Gang at my local station at 08.25 to join them in an S-Bahn to Spandau. A good 50 minute journey which I am sure will include lots of jokes and sipping some interesting liquids.
The Boys are joining us, which I am happy about for I have not seen them for a few weeks. From Spandau we shall start a bicycle tour with picnic stops and at the end we shall be in a nice garden house owned by two of our group. There we can relax and enjoy a grill party with beer and other liquids. In this we shall be joining millions of others in celebrating ‘The day of the Working Classes’.
Who has a birthday in May? Max starts us off in Berlin with his 36th on the 2nd of May. my godson Marcel will be 25 on the 6th and perhaps celebrate in Chile. The person who writes this blog will be 76 on the 8th May – but don’t tell anyone about it! My great nephew Isaiah will be 11 on the 10 and celebrate with his family in West Yorkshire. Hans J. will be 68 on the 11th and I wonder if he will still be chain smoking on his big day. Trish will celebrate her 67th in Turkey on the 13th and on the 16th Heike D. will celebrate her birthday with family here in Berlin. On the 21st, Sylvia M. will celebrate her 63rd with husband Michael in Brighton. She share that day with my wonderful cousin Barbara who will be 74. I am sure she will celebrate with family and friends in Silsden. Yes she lives there and is one of the two people I started writing this blog for. Maria from Colombia will be 50 on the 29th. She looks much younger and welcome to my birthday list Maria! In the south of Bremen on the 31st Holger will celebrate his 55th with Gabi and family and so end the birthday month of May.
Have a wonderful day/time to each and all no matter where you are!