The Boys are on holiday this week. That is why they asked to visit again and arrived at 11.00 am yesterday. Very early for them. We went to my local supermarket to buy things the wanted. Mainly soft drinks and snacks for I told them we were going out for lunch.
Walk about 4/5 minutes from my home in the direction of the local S-Bahn station and you will find the Gundelfinger Restaurant. It is run by a social organisation to train people with physical and mental disorders to become cooks and waiters They offer a set lunch from 12.00 noon to 3.00 pm on Monday to Friday for only 5 Euros. This includes a mixed salad starter, the main dish, which was lasagna yesterday, followed by a dessert.
It was the first time The Boys had been there and they liked the atmosphere as we settled around the last empty table. It is usually full of local office workers or ‘the elderly’, who like me find the lunch offers better than cooking at home. The Boys enjoyed the food and cleared their plates much quicker than I did.
Back home. Bro1 wanted to do some internet searches to find advise organisations. He needs advise about if to study further, go to college, how to finance it or just look for a job after July this year. Little Bro decided to ‘chillen’ on my sofa and listen to music via his phone and my WLAN. As it got darker they closed down and said goodbye with lots of thanks for the meal and using my computer.
I’m going to the English language association AGM tomorrow. It follows a teaching workshop and so my time is booked out. The Boys said they wanted to visit again on Sunday. Hope they do!