Die Ausstellung means Exhibition in English. I went to one yesterday. It contained some of my work:-)) The Silsdeners know by now that I go to a community centre each Friday afternoon to join some nice people in what I call my ‘Photoshop Gang’. The leader is Stefan who recently became the director of the centre in addition to running our course.
He really likes Italy and goes there whenever possible so I get some nice cards and learn more about the country when we meet. The topic of our exhibition was ‘Analog trifft Digital’. It was his concept. We all have old analog cameras from the 1960s, or earlier, so off we set with our old cameras and took photos of the area and other members of the Gang.
We all also have smart new digital cameras so we set off again and took photos using that technology. Stefan loaded the photos into computers at the centre and we had to cut our images and fuse the photos to create new photos. These were put on display yesterday. I really enjoyed the event and look forward to October when we shall meet again and start work on another ‘cultural’ project.