The sun is shining after heavy rain and storms yesterday. Later, I’m going to sit on the balcony and nod off over a book. I just might ‘borrow’ a beer from Jan’s collection in my fridge to make the relaxation even better.
As you know I like getting postcards from all corners of the world. I commented about that a few posts ago. I got a nice surprise last Thursday. A postcard from Gran Canaria sent by Peter and Andre. They wrote that they had made the right choice given the weather in Berlin. I have to agree with them even though the sun is shining now. I have never been there so I look forward to meeting them and hearing about their holiday and the island.
The Gin & Tonic season is in summer but increasingly consumed all year round. Someone had never tasted a G&T so when he visited last Friday he asked if he could have one. I think you know who it is from the photo. Yes, Daniel. I explained the importance of the quantity in relation to each other of the four ingredients. For example: More ice if it is a very hot day and less gin to tonic.
He listened with interest as I prepared his first G&T and explained that it is really a matter of taste and how you mix it comes from personal experience and choice. He lifted the glass and sipped. Then I heard a happy ‘Aaaaahh’ followed by :Mmmmh – good’! And so Daniel had a new experience. I think you can see how much he enjoyed that from his face.
Now to take one of Jan’s beers, my book, and settle in the sun on the balcony. Enjoy your Sunday!