How have your ‘between days’ been? I mean the days between 27th December and 31st December. Here they have been relatively quiet. In the supermarkets I note customers are buying lots of bottles of sekt (sparkling wine) and fireworks. Both are essential for this evening!
A lot of fireworks which give off lots of light and colours rather than just a big bang, but there are sill plenty of those around, as I am sure I shall hear this evening. My ‘between days’ were lazy ones. Sleeping late, lots of reading and going for walks. I have not had my TV on for about a week. Over the ‘festive season’ there is nothing that interests me. I get the news over the radio or computer.
Yesterday was the best of my ‘between days’. The Family arrived. I told them they could use my place to eat in and do what they wanted. They arrived with a large wheelie bin full or pots and pans and they were full of cooked food. Yes, Ma had spent hours over the cooker preparing a special meal. She immediately got to work in my kitchen. She knows where things are and what to do.
I took Sis to another room and showed the presents given to her by Holger & Gabi and a really nice house containing different kinds of colours from Marianne. She likes to paint and draw. She was more than happy and immediately settled into a corner and started to paint. As she did that I helped to put cloths on the living room floor for our late lunch.
Yes, it was sitting cross-legged on the floor again and eating a delicious Afghani style meal. Mmmmh the taste of the vegetables cooked with spices. Now that was something special. After the meal, Papa fixed a cable to my laptop to connect to my flat screen and we settled down to watch songs and dances from Iran and Afghanistan. They were from the internet and the Boyz immediately started to sing along and dance!
After some time they settled back onto the couch and I noted the sinking of eyelids. Yes, Boyz of their age are either hyperactive or just want to sleep. I led them to my bed and within two minutes they were out for over an hour. Meanwhile Mama and Papa and I watched old news reports about life in Afghanistan in the 1960s and 70s. I trip down memory lane for me. I was in Kabul in 1979 when the Soviet Red Army moved in and I headed quickly in the opposite direction taking one of the last flights to Delhi.
When the Boyz joined us later we had tea and cakes with lots of chats before they slowly packed their things, and presents, for the journey back home. Papa needs warm winter boots like Bro1 so will look for some in the winter sales started on Tuesday. All thanks to the generosity of Peter and Andre. Thanks again to both. Papa will call me when he has found some so I shall join him to pay for them and so another person will enter the New Year with dry and warm feet :-)) Prost for this evening!