Oldie Hermann died last Wednesday evening at home. His family and a carer were present. A doctor had earlier given him medicine. Unfortunately this only delayed his death. I was shocked when his daughter-in-law called to give me the news. I feared such news since my last visit.
If you read my recent post, you will know I visited him last Sunday and found him very ill. When I left, I gave him a hug as usual. This time he just held me, said nothing but looked intensively into my eyes. Then he slowly let me go while still smiling and looking into my eyes. This was not our normal goodbye and now I wonder if he knew it would be the last.
Perhaps you have had a similar experience. I have still not come to terms with his death. Perhaps I can do just that after his funeral. It will be early next month. I looked for a photo of him and could only find one.
He always disliked having his photo taken and put his hand in front of his face if anyone pointed a camera at him. This time he forgot to do that and so I have just this photo. I shall miss his comments, humour and generosity.