I’m now settled into a weekly routine after my wandering. I have even worked on all my photos and send copies to appropriate people. This morning I had to stay at home to open the door for the gas and water meter readers. This evening I am going to a local SPD Sommerfest. It is in a local Seniorenheim only five minutes from my place. Johanna is going with me.
On Sunday I am going to the local horse racing area to help out at the SPD Information Stand. From there I am going to a street festival outside the local church. Lots of singing, food, drinks and amusements for all the family! I know someone who sings in the choir.
On Monday morning I am going to my usual AWO centre. This time to a new class for ‘Oldies’ to help them learn about how to use a smartphone. I do not have one but am curious to find out how one works and why millions of people use them. I’m teaching an Oldie group later in the afternoon.
Tuesday is really full. It starts with my Spanish group led by Maria, then I’m teaching another Oldie group before I gallop to join my SPD Oldie Gang for a visit to Birkenwerder. On my return I shall go to a local school where there is a public discussion hosted by the local SPD. The topic is German Culture and Integration. Should be interesting.
On Wednesday evening I am going to a community centre to do a probe in a new Spanish course. On Saturday I am going to a morning concert at the Philharmonie . The theme is music from Spain. My local housing association is sponsoring the event. After that I shall go to a nearby centre to cast my vote in the General Election.
And so I am back into my routine in Berlin. I shall add some photos I took when in Silsden. Have a nice relaxing weekend, and if you live in Germany don’t forget to vote for the SPD :-))