I went to a lunchtime concert with Jutta earlier today. Really nice to spend some time with her. It was her first visit to the ‘Boulezsaal’. I posted about this before. It is promoted by Daniel Barenboim who we saw when I had a coffee before the concert. The concert was well attended and the audience very appreciative of the young people giving the “Studentenkonzert”. What amazing talent they have.
What did they play? First was ‘4 Lauds for solo violin’ by Elliot Carter (1908 – 2012) followed by Antonin Dvorak (1841 – 1904) piece for two violins and one viola called ‘Terzett in C flat Op. 74’ published in 1887. The final piece took us away from string instruments. It was the ‘Six Bagatelles for Wind Quintet” by György Ligeti (1923 – 2006) and a perfect counter to the earlier pieces. Hope you had a ‘musical’ start to the day.
The Brexitlanders are voting in a general election today. I thought about them as I settled into my seat and the music started. I wonder what the result will be.