There was a tremendous storm in Berlin midday yesterday. It was so intense you could hardly see out of the window. All you could see was a grey mist. It marked the end of a nice period of sun, blue skies and 30°C temperatures. One of my AWO Oldies said she wanted it to rain for her plants. Five minutes after she said that the heavens opened! The other Oldies made jokes about her wish.
As May ended, I enjoyed watching a number of football matches to decide which teams came into 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th place. Now for a football free summer. I shall stay in Germany until August when I shall fly to Hungary and from there to the UK and return at the start of September. All I have to do is book the flights – and pay for them! I have to admit that I no longer like flying. All remind me of supermarkets competing to offer the cheapest but worst service.
Yesterday I met another John. He comes from the USA, but his family originally came from the south-west of Germany. He is staying with Stefan and visiting family and friends in Berlin and other parts of the country. Here is a photo of him. He is also a ‘hobby cook’. We are meeting in two weeks when he returns from his wandering around other parts of Germany. I am going to show him my bit of Berlin including a very special museum.
Looking at my diary for June I notice a concert with Jutta next week, all my usual Oldie meetings, a range of SPD meetings and activities and a special garden party at the end of the month. For details you only have to read my reports as the month progresses.
Who has a birthday in June 2017? Nicholas B. in Yorkshire start us off with his big day on the 3rd, my iMac will be 10 years old on the 6th – I wonder how much longer it will operate. On the 19th my father would have been 105 years old and my mother 99 years old. I shall have an extra glass of sekt to celebrate on that day! On the 23rd, Teresa P. will celebrate with friends in Berlin and my Oldie Friend Hermann hits 80 on the 25th. Should be a special party with his family on that day. And so he ends our birthday month. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EACH AND ALL!