I’m late with this post. No excuse except increasingly forgetful! Looking back on April, I can reflect on some nice meetings and concerts/opera, very tasty meals with my K-Gang and meeting Colin a number of times. He is now snoozing in a plane en-route to Australia. Birgit left for Ozland yesterday so she is now home with Ian and no doubt telling him about her time in Germany.
Yesterday I went to visit Oldie H for a chat with Kaffee und Kuchen. No big changes in his health but still problems with breathing and now more dependent on his breathing machine. He really enjoys people visiting him so I took along Sailor R. They immediately got into conversation about current events and made comparisons to the ex-DDR. I just smiled as I sipped my coffee!
I then went to a Farewell to Colin evening. I arrived late but just in time to see the meal set onto the table. Very tasty with lots of interesting conversation and mixture of red wines! This morning Daniel came to help me construct my new writing table. We had problems, but more about that in the next post. My diary tells me that next week has all the usual appointments plus a few more. The main one being a concert on Wednesday with musicians from Die Komische Oper Berlin. Thanks to Neil for the joke on the right >>>
Who has a birthday in May? Max started us off with his 34th on the 2nd of May. This was followed by my godson Marcel who hit 23 on the 6th. I wonder if they have any grey hairs by now = getting old 🙂 A certain Dr without Dr. Hot and Cold Johannes von-zu-und-mit Müller will be 74 on the 8th May. That is a good age and he is now clearly losing his hair! Hans R. will probably smoke even more to enjoy his 66th on the 11th May. Special thoughts go to the south-west of Turkey where Trish will celebrate her 65th on the 13th May. I wonder if there will be an extra round of Champers to celebrate getting to the official retirement age. Back in Berlin, Heike D. will celebrate with her family on the 16th. Sylvia will be 61 in Brighton on the 21st May. A day she shares with my wonderful cousin Barbara in Silsden who will be 72 on that day. She is one of two people I started writing this blog for. Holger W. in Bremen will be 53 on the 31st May and so ends our birthday month. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EACH AND ALL NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE!