Tomorrow takes us into the 1st September and the forecast here is for sun, blue skies, more sun and temperature 30-32°C. Isn’t that great? What a pity we didn’t have this weather as early as June, but then better late than never!
It’s been an interesting summer for me, particularly the last two months taking in Brexitland, local places in and around Berlin and the southern area of Bremen. It looks like a regular pattern will return from next Monday. I never got to Venice so that goes onto my ‘Things To Do Later’ list. I recently got an offer for a winter holiday next January. Have to get that sorted out and shall share it with you via blog updates.
As today cools, most of the population will reach for a cool bier – or three — then turn on a TV. At 9.00 pm German Time the national football team will play the national team of Finland. I shall be following every move but with low volume. I find it hard to listen to the banal comments of the commentators! Here is an example: “He’s kicked the ball”.
Who has a birthday in September? Three people share the 6th – Charlotte in London will be 25, Nevand in Berlin will be 9 and a special lady called Arancha will be 32! Milady Andrea will celebrate her 31st on the 8th with family and friends in Berlin. We then jump to the 22nd and to Cambridge where Stephen will celebrate his 46th, Robert Gast in Berlin will be 38 on the 23rd. Lew in Cambridge will have a birthday on the 27th but he keeps his age a secret. My camera friend Sylke will be 46 on the 28th, my nephew Jefferson will be 43 on the 29th and ends our month of birthday celebrations. Wherever you are … HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY !!
There are a few other dates of note. Our dear Birgit died on the 15th September 2004. Is it really so long ago. Cousin Jean died on the 16th. Birgit would have been 64 on the 30th and that is a day she shares with my father. He died on that day in 2004 aged 92. It is also important to remember those who were part of our lives.