Yes, I am back. Flight problems and delays but I am back. German speakers may be smiling at my title for it is a word play. The English word ‘back’ means Rücken for your body and zurück for the verb to return. Gorrit?
I had a really great time in Dublin even though it was cold and wet except for one day. I shall post about my adventures and prepare photos to share with you. They are of the coastal area near to where I stayed and of the museums I visited. I also have some nice shots of the National Botanical Garden. More of that later.
On my return I could not resist opening my cards even though it was nearly midnight. I had a wide range of cards and noticed four showing old cars! They had interesting texts and some had warm and loving words handwritten inside :-))
Guess what I bought for my birthday? Yes, you guessed right. A dark green sweater with the words ‘Ireland’ in gold. A nice present to remind me of a special visit to Dublin each time I wear it.