Took a rest from homework and checked my e-mails. There was one from Birgit in Sydney. She and Ian went to the Mardi Gras yesterday evening and had a great time. Birgit took this photo with her phone camera and sent it with a message.
Many thanks for thinking about me Birgit. On Saturday 7 March 2015 I went to the Mardi Gras which ended not far from where Birgit and Ian then lived. It was my last evening in Sydney and they had left for Hong Kong that morning.
I really enjoyed it. It was my first experience of a Mardi Gras and I was impressed by how the people just relaxed, smiled, danced, and generally had fun. I took a couple of photos and posted a report on my blog. Perhaps you remember that?
I’m now looking at my diary for 2015 and on Sunday 8th I note that a taxi came at noon and took me to the airport. I took a Thai Air flight at 15:40 and arrived in Bangkok at 21.05. There I enjoyed three days before leaving for Vienna and arrived in Berlin on 12th March. Happy memories!