Just opened my E-mail account and found a very nice message and photo. I just had to share. It was from Ian and Birgit who called me earlier to ask if I was okay. Yes, they live in the opposite part of the world – and it is warm and sunny!
They recently went on a long weekend tour down what is called the Great Ocean Road. I guess it runs along the coast from Sydney. Next time I go there I would like to take a tour down this coast road.
Correction from Colin: No it doesn’t, the road is “way down south – about 2 hours west of Melbourne”. That means it runs along the south coast of Victoria. Thanks for this, Colin.
This morning they had breakfast and went into the garden of their B&B. They looked into this tree. Where is the Koala?
Many thanks to both for sharing with my readers, most of whom live in the cold, winter north of Europe. Isn’t it nice to see this non-winter image? Just look at that blue sky and the blue sea.