Goodbye to Little Crane. He was the little brother of Big Crane at the building site opposite my flat. Big Crane was dismantled about a month ago and I posted a story.
Yesterday morning I was woken from my slumbers by the sound of machines revving up and lots of banging. I opened the curtains to see a mobile crane being set onto the ground and a number of long flat lorries lined up to take away Little Crane.
I made some green tea, rubbed my eyes, wondered why they couldn’t start work at 10.00am rather than 7.00am and settled down to watch. Two men climbed up Little Crane and started the long task of dismantling it.
Mobile crane hung over the two specialists until they got the word to move away from the long part of the crane. They did this and the mobile crane took away the long part. Then the specialists started to dismantle the upper body of the crane.
Again, the mobile crane took this away leaving the ‘stump’ of Little Crane sticking out into the air. This was then separated and lowered to the ground. On the ground, lots of other men were busy dismantling the sections and then loading the smaller sections onto waiting lorries.
It took hours to dismantle Little Crane and I had breakfast and prepared lessons as this took place. Now we have no cranes on the building site. Other workers are on the site to build water and sewage systems, electricity/gas, and finish off construction of the flats.
I liked the comment by a reader about the toilets outside my window and can now happily tell all that they have been taken away! I now live in a Toi-Toi free zone :-))