Since my return from Australia I have been asked to give two presentations. The first was on the Friday following my return. Stefan asked me to present some photos and a narrative about my adventures to the Photoshop Gang.
I gladly agreed and you can see me with my hand up pointing at a screen. Stefan took a photo with the camera on his mobile phone. Unfortunately the camera did not catch the detail on the screen. Even so it was interesting to re-live it all the day after my return.
This afternoon I went to my local library to meet Mathias’ Gang. He teaches English there and asked me to give a presentation. Again I happily agreed. I had met the class before so knew their level. I prepared a map of Australia with details of size compared to Europe and of my tours in the south east.
You can see the class with the maps at the end of my presentation.They kept awake and asked some interesting questions. One lady is going to Melbourne in September to stay with her niece so it was nice talking about the city/area and giving her a few tips. I told her to visit Sandringham, which she agreed to as soon as she saw the beach photos:-)