The day started cold and grey. I woke as the new machines arrived on the building site opposite. The sun tried to shine. At last, a little blue sky and things got better. By the time Marita arrived to pick me up it looked like a classic late summer day.
We drove east of Berlin and finally arrived at Bad Saarow. It is a small town on the north side of Scharmützelsee (Lake Scharmützel). It lies in flatland between Berlin and the Polish border. It forms a chain of lakes and rivers that can take you north to the Baltic Sea, or east into the waterways of Poland.
Marita and I walked along one side of the lake. She wanted to practice her English again. I recently helped her with a presentation she had to give in Rome. She was very pleased at the reception to her speech and wanted me to check a small report she had to send in English.
I did that after lunch. That was enjoyed at Cafe Dorsch. Marita had been there before. She wanted me to be her guest as a way of saying thank you for my help. We sat on the terrace overlooking the lake. The sun smiled again as we ordered lunch.
I had what she recommended. A dish based on fish caught in the lake opposite the restaurant with a glass of a light dry wine from the south west of Germany. Mmmmmh….what a combination! How was your day?