Humans have created a very large range of drinks starting from those based on the simplest natural drink. Yes, water. When I arrived at university many years ago I was introduced to drinks I didn’t know. I do not come from a Gin ‘n Tonic background, or sipping a glass of wine with a meal. Many of my younger fellow students did.
As a child/teenager my main drinks were water and tea without sugar. I developed a taste for coffee only during my 20’s, and I mean made from coffee beans and not Nescafe! Two very nice ladies at uni introduced me to Gin ‘n Tonic on the first hot summer day and sitting under a tree on a lawn. The perfect place.
I introduced Marcel to the traditional British G ‘n T last Friday, as you can see from this photo. It was made from the classic ingredients of Gordon’s London Dry Gin, ice cubes, freshly sliced lemon and Schweppes Indian Tonic Water. Mmmmh! He particularly liked the light tangy, citrus flavours.
As you know, he recently visited his family in Hungary. He also passed his Driving Licence Test. Congratulations Marcel 🙂 I knew you would do it! He brought a present from his parents. Yes, a bottle of homemade ‘Opa’s Medicine’ = Palinka made from apricots. . Thanks Opa! I shall open it on a special occasion.
On Sunday I went to Angelika’s late birthday party. She was playing in a concert at Kiel on her birthday so could not celebrate then. The sun shone as we toasted her with a glass of sekt. In English you say ‘sparkling wine’. It is very traditional in Germany to toast someone with a glass of sekt. Another interesting liquid enjoyed on special occasions. Prost!