I arrived home yesterday to a warm and sunny day. Here is a photo of the weather today = cold and very wet!! The conference in St. Petersburg ended on Friday evening with a Gala Dinner. Very good food and wine, but a very late night. I got to bed at 1.30am to be awoken at 5.30am to get ready for the airport taxi.
All went well and we arrived in Berlin on time. I arrived home to have a quick shower, change into formal clothes and then head for the main railway station. Destination was a double 70 birthday party in Jüterbog, which is south-west of Berlin.
That really was a birthday party. About 60 guests, an excursion through the town in a type of railway, which ran on the streets, followed by a cabaret making fun of politics and religion. One grim faced woman near me was not amused! I think she was a believer in the fantasy world of a church. Late train back to Berlin and into bed at 1.30am.
I hoped I could sleep all day, but my body clock was messed up so I woke at 7.00am fully awake. I think I shall need two days to adjust. So far I have had a lazy day for Angelika left a telephone message saying she was playing in a concert in Kiel so there would be no birthday party for her today.
I have lots of photographs to prepare, paperwork/letters to answer and get back into routine life. I have had a very interesting month of travel in England, Hungary and finally in the second city of Russia. I need time to share this with you on my blog so keep coming back to read more about my adventures.
I also received really nice postcards for some of you. Lots from holiday places in Germany. There was an interesting one from Jan and Arancha. They went to Iceland. Only they could think of that place for a summer holiday 🙂 It was of a volcano shaped like one of the old sundials. Wonder why I have never thought of having a holiday in Iceland. Have you?
Who has a birthday in September? Lynne from Casland will be celebrating her 67th with Alan tomorrow followed by Charlotte for her 23rd in London on the 6th. She shares this day with Nevand in Berlin who will be 7 and also with Arancha who will be celebrating her 30th with Jan in Den Haag. His sister, Andrea, will be 29 on the 8th, Stephen G in Cambridge will be 44 on the 22 September followed by his father Lew who will have another birthday on the 27th. We don’t know how old for he keeps his age a secret! Birgit’s son Robert will be 36 on the 23rd and Sylvana will celebrate her 54th with Mathias on the 25th. Silke my camera teacher will be 44 on the 28th. My nephew Jefferson will be 41 on the 29th and will surely celebrate with Leanne and their three children.
I want to end this list with two people who will not be celebrating a birthday. On the 30th September, Birgit would be celebrating her 62 birthday were she still alive, and my father died on that day in 2004 at the grand old age of 92. Happy Birthday each and have a wonderful day with your family and friends. Cheers – Prost – Zum Wohl!