Looking back at the posts to my blog in May, you can see it was a mixed and mainly pleasant four weeks. Let’s see what the next may have in store for me! There are a few SPD events, mainly to do with meetings about migration and integration policy in the district where I live.
Next weekend is the German-Russian Festival in the south of the district. I am looking forward to that and will even be ‘on duty’ at a SPD stand for some of the time. I have some German lessons with Frau Fox during the month and also some English teaching work starting next Wednesday.
I hope to go on a bicycle tour with Max and Marcel next holiday weekend when I am not ‘on duty’. Just need to find a day and time when we can all meet = that is not so easy! On 17 June I am going on a day long tour on a ship taking us under the bridges of Berlin. It is organised by the SPD Oldies. I shall take my camera and share the views.
On the 20th, I shall welcome Emily and son Ferdinand to Berlin and show them some of the sights. It is not their first visit. Looking forward to seeing them again. Also looking forward to seeing ‘g’day Ian’ on the 24th when he jets in from Australia. This is followed by a dental appointment which I never look forward to :-(( and a concert of Bruch and Shostakovitsch.
Who has a birthday in June?
Nicholas B. celebrates with his family on the 3rd, my iMac will be 7 years old on the 6th. I wonder what it wants for its birthday! On the 19th my father Patrick would have celebrated his 102nd with my mother Joyce for her 96th birthday on the same day. Teresa will be over 50 (again!) on the 23rd and ends the month of celebrations. Happy Birthday to all and each :-))