Yesterday I bought some chocolate Easter eggs. I shall take them with me tomorrow morning to share with other guests at Johanna’s Easter Breakfast. I have posted stories and photos about her and her now famous breakfasts before.
Later I am going to a special 50th birthday party. Also looking forward to that. On Sunday I hope to go on a bicycle tour east of Berlin with Marcel. I think we both need some fresh air and movement. The weather forecast is also good for then. At the moment it is cold and rather miserable. On Monday evening I have been invited to a Grill Party.
I recently visited the AWO where I do some relief teaching and made some new friends. They normally play with children but this time they came to talk to me. Here you can see Leo Lion, Freddy Frog and Micky Mouse. Ollie Octopus was tired and thirsty so I put him on a glass of water. That cheered him up.
Have a pleasant and relaxing Easter holiday with your nearest and dearest!