February 2014 things
January closed on a not very good day. It started okay with training, then I got a call from Stefan saying the Photoshop Gang was cancelled because he was ill. On arrival home I started with stomach pains and had to rush to the bathroom. I had earlier taken a tablet to put ‘iron’ into my body. Big mistake!
Then I got a call from Hermann. I have talked about him before in blog posts. We had agreed to meet on Sunday for lunch for we haven’t met since mid-December. He sounded very tired as he told me he was calling on his mobile from hospital. He had been told he must have a heart operation. It started as I began to write these words. I’m going to visit him at 3pm on Sunday. Hope all is going well with the operation.
February looks busy with more teaching than in January, more party meetings than in January, meeting friends, including Marita next Wednesday for a meal with her and other old friends, concerts, finding time to finish three books I have on the go at the moment, training with Kerstin’s gang and ‘photoshop-ping’ with Stefan’s gang. I shall also be looking in more detail at travel plans starting with Den Haag at the end of April.
Who has a birthday in February? Sven starts us off on 1 February when he will celebrate his 38th with his wife and children with lots of ice cream for the kids. My best and oldest friend Alan will be 71 on the 3rd, Jens will celebrate his 44th with his family at their house on the Muggelsee on the 5th. Jumping to the 18th I shall be celebrating her 66th with Dr I. Pardon who I have worked with for years. Eleonora will be 55 on the 22nd, Adrian in London hits 54 on the 25th and Peter Bateson in Australia ends the list with his 34th on the 28th February. Happy Birthday to each and all!