After stretching with Kerstin’s Gang on Friday morning, I changed and went to meet Stefan’s Gang for another Photoshop session. I took a bottle of sekt and some salty ‘nibbles’ as a late celebration of my birthday. I got lots of hearty greetings and best wishes before we turned to work.
Stefan is oganising a public exhibition of our work this semester and it will be on Tuesday 18 June. I shall miss it for I am flying to England the day before. Stefan said it didn’t matter that I would not be there. It was more important to show my work with that of the others. He’s right! This time we posed for new photos.
They were put into each computer and we had to select a background. I selected the front of the building where the classes are held. I put the new images into the background then got help to airbrush the plants and grass onto shoes so that it appeared some were standing on/in the grass/flowers. How about this image of our nice ladies I created 🙂
Next week looks pretty full. I only have Tuesday free. On Wednesday evening I am going to the first meeting of the Migration and Integration committee of the local SPD to which I was recently elected. I have already written down some points I want discussed. Next Saturday I am booked into an all day training workshop on the same topic. It should expand my German vocabulary about migration! Have a nice week wherever you are:-)