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Sylvia L

Sylvia joined my LCCI Group two weeks ago. She was a welcome member and quickly made a positive contribution. I was pleased she decided to stay and work for the examination.

I soon discovered she was a multi-talent. She is a photographer, plays around with Photoshop, has exhibitions of her work, runs a web page, has just started a blog and people buy her work. Perhaps the ultimate compliment!

She brought some of her photographs and camera/lenses to the class. A nice Nikon – Andrea please note! She gave a presentation about/of her work and how she uses the camera before giving me the photographs as postcards. Very nice present!

She has an exhibition called 3LANDECK in Großhennersdorf near Zittau. This is in Saxony where she was born. She has another one called ‘ohne strom’ = without current.  It is a selection of her photos about household equipment we used before a cable/electricity were added! It is in a restaurant called ‘esskultur’ at Dahlem Museum.

I shall be working to get her photos on show when Angelika’s (below) exhibition ends. Watch this space! You can find her work by typing ‘sylvia-landeck.de’ into your browser. Have a look and you can even buy originals online 🙂