I recently got a nice surprise packet from sister Pauline. You may be surprised to read that for I have only talked about ‘little’ sister Frances. I write this blog primarily for her and cousin Barbara. Actually I did originally, but it has now taken on a life of its own 🙂
Pauline is one and a bit years younger than I am and lives in Cambridge with Lew. Even at school she showed a talent for reading and writing. Over the years this devoloped to the point where she is now an active member in a local poetry society.
On my last visit to their home many years ago, I went with her to Grantchester on the River Cam south of the town. I was pleasantly surprised to land in the middle of her group’s summer poetry picnic. I was very impressed by their hospitality and the quality of their prose. Happy memories.
She sent me a selection of poems to enjoy, and share with poetry fans in Berlin.Yes, I do know some in our teachers association. Thanks P and see you mid-June in Cambridge. Until then, signing out with a big kissX.