Left bed

Nice things

Last Friday I got a lot of nice things. Just look at these chocolates. A present from Marcel’s parents. Mmmmmh quality and delicious! The finest chocolate with various fillings containing different liquers. Nice.

It was very hard not to stuff them into my mouth one after the other. I promise you that I disposed of these delights over three days — and not in three minutes!

The other pleasures were fine bottles of wine. All of them were presents and came with quality markings. I still have them in my fridge and wonder when I shall open them. Perhaps next Saturday when Marga visits me before we go to Köpenick for a meeting with my Muggelsee Gang.

I also got a surprise note from Andrea. It contained two photos of me with her and Jan. She thinks it was taken in 1995 or 96. Wow – but just look how much hair I had and it is not grey! I put the photos into the album where I have two others from this time. 

The other nice surprise was a packet sent by cousin Barbara. I had sent her some money and a request that she buy me a CD I could not get in Berlin. It will be available in a couple of months but I could not wait so long. I mentioned it on my blog before and as I write these words I am listening to it.

It is delight to the ears. I particularly like track 4. It lasts for 6 minutes and  59 seconds. It is called ‘ Fra l’ambre e gl’ orrori’ His voice goes from tenor to somewhere deep in the basement. I have never heard such a bass range before. It makes my toenails curl up! I just have to listen again – and again. How does he do it?

Perhaps I made a mistake stopping my piano lessons and leaving the choir when I was fourteen. Did I really have musical talents? I shall never know. But I still love such music. Thanks Mr Skull, my music teacher. And keep playing that flute, Marcel!