I left Madison and drove to Tallahassee. I stopped at a number of small towns/villages en-route. Explored many ‘Main Street’ streets cutting across other streets and typical of all small towns in America. If you ever get into these towns find the Chamber of Commerce.
Full of local history and nice people who will answer all your questions and are pleased to do so! I found a small cafe in one such town. Founded by a lady who had lived in Europe and offered similar cakes/snacks and portions. Typical US portions are ‘killers’ = just too big to eat. But then we know it is the land of the ‘Doggie-Bag’.
Fortified with the ladies delicious cakes and coffee, I explored further. There are too many to detail so let us move on to my arrival in Tallahassee. I was surprised that it was not larger. It is the capital of Florida but there are other cities much larger in the state. Even so I liked it as soon as I found my way into the centre.
I kept getting lost them emerging again onto Monroe Street. You can’t go wrong if you keep getting into this street. It leads to the very centre of the town, and another main street that leads from the capitol buildings. I wandered around a lot and got lost again, then came back to the central area, and so slowly got my bearings.
I found a nice motel near the centre and main road. Booked-in and started out again to explore the town and centre. I found the State Capitol Buildings and many others such as museums and the Governor’s residence. By then it was getting late and all were closed, so I returned to my motel to freshen-up.
I went to a nearby Italian restaurant. It was owned by a family who welcomed me. Nice! I ordered a very tasty dish of fish with pasta and vegetables. A dry white wine came with it. Mmmmh, perfect. I really enjoyed that meal. I later fell asleep with a plan of the next day in my head.