The day after I returned to Berlin was the ‘Exhibition Day’. You know I go to the Photoshop Oldie Gang led by Stefan each Friday afternoon. The first picture on the left is of this group. On Tuesday we had an exhibition of our work covering two years.
More people came than I thought. I invited Silke and was pleased to see her there – with camera and lots of lenses. She has posted a nice report on her blog about the event.
Stefan had set up a large flat screen showing all our work, plus a large poster and another TV screen in the dining room, and copies of our work set out on picture frames for people to peruse at their pleasure. Very well organised Stefan!
The start was an introduction to The Gang. As Stefan introduced me, I stepped forward and gave a gracious bow to the people which was greeted by lots of clapping and smiles. You can see this in one of the photos here.
I missed the last lesson because I was in Den Haag but Stefan had prepared a picture of me pointing to myself as a jig-saw puzzle. I really liked this and he allowed me to take it home. I now have it hanging in my kitchen. There is a photo of me with the picture taken by Silke.
There was a glass of orange, or sekt, to start the event and then a meal to end the exhibition. I shall miss my ‘Photoshop Gang’ during the long summer break and look forward to autumn when we start again.