Left bed


After the Photoshop Gang, Silka came to pick me up for a camera session. Always nice to see her and she brought me some presents. A large packet of tissues with pictures of each of the German federal states. There are sixteen! And, three filters. She has bought a new lense so these do not fit, but they do on mine. Thanks Silke. Now I have to learn all about the use of filters:-)

She also bought her new ‘baby’. It is a small laptop and you can see it next to mine. Mine is on the right of the photo. You can see that it is much smaller than the latest in the ‘baby’ laptop range – on the left. How things have changed in the last four years.

I put it onto my w-lan without any trouble. Silke bought it to use when she is traveling on photographic contracts. It has the lastest Photoshop Elements programme, so she can work on photos directly with clients.

She was also very proud of her new mouse. It is covered with what looks like shiny diamonds. It is really a matter of individual taste, isn’t it? :-))