Shopping again today. I think I can see Andrea smiling! Got back from Lübeck yesterday evening. I shall comment more when I post my photos and report about Lübeck.
During my absence I received a nice message to say my glasses were ready and I could pick them up. So off I went and arrived in Charlottenburg, but first I went to a new hairdresser.
It is near to my Chinese food shop and only for Herren/Gentlemen and staffed by gentlemen originating from a Turkish background. An excellent cut and service – just like that in Datca when I visited Trish and Cemal. I picked up the glasses I ordered on my return from Beijing. I called Marga and we agreed to meet for a meal and chat. But first we popped into a shop where I bought a winter pullover – it was reduced in price and Marga liked it. Say no more 🙂 I also bought a new MP3 player for my old one ‘expired’ when I was in Beijing.
Final stop was a restaurant for a lazy light lunch with a glass or two. A very pleasant time. We are meeting again next week when Marga is going to cook a Kürbis/Pumpkin based meal. Looking forward to it!