Left bed


The naughty gnome

Had a nice time looking at the German for dwarf/dwarves and gnome/gnomes and got the same = der Zwerg/die Zwerge and I also got der Gartenzwerg/die Gartenzwerge for gnome/s. When I thought of the caption ‘ The naughty gnome’, I got frech/böse/ungezogen(e,es,er) for naughty. As usual, it depends on the context and if it is an adjective or an adverb you want. In my case I wanted the adjective so I decided upon ‘Der freche Gartenzwerg’. If you have a better idea then send it to me.

At the Photoshop lesson last Friday we had to practice cutting out objects and posting to a background we had selected. I decided on a nice summer meadow background complete with little hut for the gnomes to live in. I could select a number of figures to work on and decided to build a composition using garden gnomes. Great fun and you can see the result here.

I really like the gnome in the bottom right of the picture. He shows innocent surprise at events while clearly enjoying the spectacle – just like humans! I wonder who called the gnome police 🙂  Creating this image also involved ’embedding’ the gnomes into the grass/meadow so that they did not look as if they were floating on it and this technique is not so easy.