I went to a very interesting workshop yesterday
You know I am a co-founder and member of ELTABB , the English teachers’ association here, and I am still active in supporting its activities. I have always liked attending workshops for the people you meet and for the topics. Never stop learning was one of the few wise things my father always said to his children!
The workshop was given by a lady called Ania who runs a private school in Poznan in Poland and spoke perfect English. She introduced a new idea about testing using pictures and labels that she had developed in her school. After the break, we examined how she had developed a feedback form, which is just that, and not an evaluation which many feedback forms are used for. Very interesting idea and very relevant for getting students to come back to the next series of lessons.
Later I went to Oldie Hermann’s for a meal and to admire his new cooker, flat screen TV system and a coffee machine that looked like it could also do the weekly washing! A nice lazy evening after the workshop and with lots of humour as usual.
I an now waiting for ‘leiber Jan’ to Skype me and the turn on TeamView so that we can both work on checking the last part of his MSc paper. It is about ground settlement as a result of pile driving ….. yes, and it is really interesting, even for a non Techie like me. The things I am still learning. I have been invited to a meeting of ‘Techies’ tomorrow evening to discuss changes to our teachers web site – perhaps I am becoming a little bit techie!