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eltabb AGM 2009

Yesterday I went to the eltabb AGM

In case you have forgotten, eltabb means English Language Teachers’ Association Berlin-Brandenburg and was founded in the late summer of 1994. I was a co-founder and the meetings to discuss setting up the association were held at my flat – then on the Landsberger Allee in Berlin.

We have come a long way since then. Fifteen years have slipped by and we are now planning a 15th Birthday Party on 9th May. Great! I shall miss it for I shall be in Turkey with Hans. But there will be other special events throughout the year so I can join in a few celebrations.

We elected Simone to lead the gang helped by Una and the rest of the Board. In this pic Simone is on the left wearing green and her deputy is on the right wearing blue and no glasses. I have added a group photo and you may note that all the board but one are female – but then this is not the first time this has happened and they are all very efficient teachers and some, like Simone, run their own schools.

Should be an interesting year. We also have two other management positions but they are not on my pics. They are Edward who runs our web site and Anne who has taken on the mailing task from me. Just put ‘eltabb.com’ into your browser and you will get there anytime and find out what I am doing with this bunch of talented people in Berlin.