Sportie Gang! I have just read Jan’s latest blog, selected a few pics for this report and added his blog url to my ‘Blogs I’m following’.
You can access this by going to the bottom of my home page (the first page you see) and there you will see ‘View My Complete Profile’. Open it and then go to the bottom of the page to ‘Blogs I’m following’ and you will find a tiny blue link-point. When you click on this you will go to Jan’s blog.
Nice work Jan. Most of his news is about starting the academic year and the problems of doing all the reading and writing summary reports in English for the lecturers. As he says, he’ll get better with practice. I’m sure of it and I think he really became aware of this last year when he wrote his project report in Grenoble.
He’s still finding time for fun, as he admits, and posted pics of him and friends on the beach, and at a baseball match. They ‘tail-gate’ (not sure what that is!) at the stadium which seems to be based on eating and drinking. Glad I wasn’t downwind of them! He has also joined a football team for a bit of activity and making contacts with other people.
Sound great to me Jan. Keep up the good work and posting on your blog.